Black River Safari

With a total area of 125 square miles, the Great Morass is the largest remaining wetland in Jamaica. The best way to explore it is by boat along the mainstream of the swamp. A local guide takes you on a picturesque 90-minute up-and-down river ride as part of the Jamaican Black River Safari, which also highlights the island’s natural beauties.

Explore the majestic mangrove trees and rich vegetation while being surrounded by uncommon swamp wildlife, such as the threatened American crocodile lounging by the banks or more than 100 different species of birds in their native habitat. Look for local fisherman in their long, thin, traditional boats capturing crabs in addition to ducks, egrets, and cinnamon-colored jacanas. If you are looking to see the crocs, then make sure that you are on the midday tours. If on the other hand, you are more interested in viewing the indigenous birds then the   earlier or late hours trips are ideal.

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